1. Was once playing a gig and a drunk man shouted up "You're having your fun, but what about us?"
2. I criticised YouTubers Zoella and one of her fans said I sounded like I was 40, which was obviously the most terrible insult they could thinkof. I was, in fact, 40.
3. Someone described my autobiography as being a bit "Me, me, me".
4. I was 14, walking home from beach reading a book, three men in a car slowed to shout "frigid slut!" at me then lost control, mounted the kerb and smashed smartly into a telephone pole. Thrilled to report I glanced at them, then kept walking - and reading.
5. I wore a leather jacket to the office once and a younger colleague said, "That's so cool- I can't imagine *my* mum ever wearing a leather jacket".
At your landlord's mercy
Medieval English landlords would sometimes charge strange or literally impossible rent, such as a snowball in midsummer, to symbolise that the tenant was entirely at their mercy. (Via @qikipedia)
Could a little Opium be just the thing in these troubled times?
Diversification spotted in Thames last Saturday.
Best prank in history
On August 25, 1835, readers of the New York Sun were stunned to learn there was a civilisation on the Moon. An English astronomer, the paper reported, had travelled to the Southern Hemisphere to study the night's sky and, upon glancing at the Moon, discovered vegetation, pyramids, unicorns, bipedal beavers, and humanoid creatures with wings. The story, of course, was fake. The series of satirical articles aimed to poke fun at people like science writer Thomas Dick, who had recently claimed the Moon was home to an alien population of more than 4 billion extraterrestrials. Unfortunately, the Sun underestimated the public's gullibility. News of the "discovery" spread across the globe. (Via Mental Floss)
Coronavirus in Verona?
What's the difference between Covid-19 and Romeo and Juliet? One's a coronavirus and the other is a Verona crisis. (@JulianLeeComedy)