Imagine the indignation of returning to your home to find that not only has it been ransacked, but the perpetrator took a massive bite out of that lovely sausage you were saving (is nothing sacred?!). That's exactly what happened to a homeowner in the Rocholzalle in Gevelsberg, Germany, backin 2012. Nine years on, police finally have the identity of the perpetrator thanks to evidence of their guilt all over the remaining sausage. Officers took DNA from a half-eaten sausage but a search returned no matches at the time and the guilty party went free. That was, until they committed an unrelated crime and the arresting officers took a sample of their DNA. At last, an automated piece of tech was able to find a match for the Great Sausage Case of 2012 - a 30-year-old Albanian citizen. Unfortunately for the victim of the burglary, the statute of limitations had passed, thwarting any chances of the criminal being extradited for trial in Germany, leaving them once again free to bite another sausage.
Written in stone
Photo / Supplied
Science fiction writer Philip K. Dick grew up with his name already carved on a tombstone: his twin sister Jane died in infancy and his parents wrote both their names on the grave.
A single man has complained that so-called "ready meals" still require too much effort to prepare. Nathan Muir of Northampton exists largely on ready meals, but believes they are never anywhere near as ready as they like to claim. He said: "I work hard. Then I get home and I video-game pretty hard, too. Is it too much to ask just to open my fridge and have a steaming hot lamb madras waiting on a plate for me? Instead it's peel back the film on one, pierce the film on the other with a fork, place in the microwave for 90 seconds blah blah blah. Call that ready? I don't." Read more here.
"Choosing between self-checkout and cashier is such a battle for me. There's either a 100 per cent chance I have to interact with a human or a 20 per cent chance I have to interact with a human to explain why I am too dumb," tweets Karanbir Singh. (@karanbirtinna)