"This photo was taken just out of Opotiki," writes Sharon Hustler. "Wishful thinking that all our firewood troubles would be over for the next decade." Photo / Supplied
"This photo was taken just out of Opotiki," writes Sharon Hustler. "Wishful thinking that all our firewood troubles would be over for the next decade." Photo / Supplied
5. Indicating that you want the last roast potato by trying to force everyone else to take it.
6. Suddenly remembering your tea and necking it like a massive, lukewarm shot.
7. Overtaking someone on foot and having to keep up the uncomfortably fast pace until safely over the horizon.
8. Not hearing someone for the third time, so just laughing and hoping for the best.
Nice one What is the best thing that ever happened to you for being nice?
"In 1994 my then-husband was arrested for soliciting a hit man to kill me. He was apprehended by federal agents through a sting operation. As more information was revealed about how he was caught, I learned that my husband had contacted a member of the Outlaw motorcycle gang looking for the killer. Turns out the gang member called the feds because he had been in my business a few weeks prior with his daughter and I had given the little girl change for the gum machine.
A quarter saved my life ... and sent my now-ex husband to prison for 21 years. Be nice, you never know." (Source: quora.com)
Give the lady a seat, dammit In her first pregnancy Yvonne Lin never experienced a man offering her a seat on the subway. This inspired her to conduct her own social experiment with her second pregnancy.
She had this trophy (pictured right) made and carted it around with her everyday for her entire pregnancy, hoping to give it to the first bloke who offered her a seat on the subway. At 8 months pregnant it finally happened. One considerate guy looked up at her and immediately stood up and said, "Please take this seat, I just noticed." She gave him the trophy.