If you thought masks were a necessary but annoying accessory, you'll love Nosy, a compact air filter and purifier that fits on your snoz. It's a patent-pending filtration system that allegedly breaks down toxic gases from fossil fuel emissions and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), while at the same time from particles
Sideswipe: March 10: Air filter or dog nose?

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Caller ID should be mandatory. "No person or organisation should be able to hide behind "unknown caller", according to this Reddit user. "If you have access to my number and have chosen to contact me, I should have the right to know who you are. I never answer my phone if it's caller unknown and that could be a problem in an emergency. At the same time I can get up to 10 unknown calls a day from two separate numbers attached to a single device. If you're calling me I should have a right to know who you are and yes, that should influence if I will answer or not."
Double nominative determinism

Out of the mouths of babes
• 1. I let my niece out of her car seat and said: "You're free!" She responded, "no I'm free and a half!"
• 2. My mother took me to a funeral when I was really little. While we were waiting for it to start I asked loudly, "what's in the box?"
• 3. My son refers to tissues as crying napkins.
• 4. Excited, our daughter ran in to tell us about the new girl in the class from China who spoke apricot.