Miss Evelyn Marshall, 26-year-old Denver waitress, had a sudden impulse to dive through the window of her hotel room today. She did, and landed five floors below in a parking lot, after bouncing off a ventilator shaft on the second floor. She was released from Denver General Hospital after astonished doctors found her suffering only a few facial bruises, a lost tooth, and an "aching tummy". She said she took the dive on a sudden impulse while drinking beer in her room with two companions. "This has taught me a lesson," Miss Marshall told officers. "I'll never jump through the window again."
Excellent speed camera positioning. West of Huapai on SH16. Photo / Supplied
In a country where women are not allowed to drive, bumper cars have become an unlikely alternative to real-life driving. At the weekly ladies-only night at the Al Shallal Theme Park in the coastal city of Jeddah, the women are there to practise their driving skills, not for the thrill of crashing into each other. For some Saudi women - especially the wealthy - not being able to drive is not that big of an issue, but there is a push towards change because many women, even those with jobs, simply can't afford a driver. Others go to remote desert areas to break the law. (Source: The Wall Street Journal)
Brexit inspires more word play
A meme doing the rounds: "EU have noted Brexit could be followed by Grexit, Departugal, Italeave, Fruckoff, Czechout, Oustria, Finish, Slovakout, Netherun, Luxembuggeroff and Byegium. Only Germaining."
'Fantastic' parking. Photo / Supplied
"Check out this fantastic parking on the way up to the Queenstown Gondola," writes Charlotte Newman. "The camper is about double the length of the actual park; AND blocks half the road (and this is a road, rather than a carpark)."
Picture this: Cape Town-based photographer Johnny Miller shows the gap between the rich and the poor quite literally with his photo series Unequal Scenes. "Miller was first intrigued by his country's particular architectural development that occurred during apartheid, as buffer zones such as rivers and empty lands were established to keep racial groups completely separated. 22 years later, this split still exists, as extreme wealth and squalor persist side-by-side. After purchasing his drone, Miller had the idea to explore this concept from a novel perspective, investigating the complex social issues from way above. "
Video: What happened on earth before history? A nifty animation accompanying an explanation of the origins of the human species...
Video: Steven Joyce and airborne sex aid and Hilary Barry lead this compilation of the best bloopers of 2016 so far. Kiwi represent...