1. "When I was 25 I made a PDF assigning each employee to the Muppet they reminded me of the most. I meant to send it to my work friend, but I accidentally sent it to the entire company. My supervisor (Beaker) wanted to fire me, but the owners (Bert
Sideswipe: June 25: Blunders on the job

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If your boss looks like Beaker, it might be best not to tell him.

Conspiracy theories
A calamitous event - yes, like a global pandemic —makes a very fertile breeding ground for conspiracy theories. When people feel threatened or they can't fully comprehend a significant event, conspiracy theories can somehow help them make sense of it. Take, for example, the JFK assassination. When the world seemed scary and out of control, it was easier to imagine that "shadowy groups and agencies" were controlling things behind the scenes. Randomness is very discomforting to people. Fundamental Attribution Error is the tendency to believe that the actions of others are intentional as opposed to simply being the product of external circumstances. Hence, when things happen that are random or unplanned, we may have the urge to find an intentional reason behind them.