The Hamilton seller of this dog kennel should get into copywriting, proper. The ad spotted on Trade Me reads: "Dog box for sale. Surplus to requirements. Man-cave now complete so no longer need outside lodgings when in trouble with wife. One room with enclosed balcony for great indoor-outdoor flow. Neutral colour scheme - a blank canvas for you to add your flair to! Perfect entry level unit for someone looking to enter the Auckland housing market - live in it yourself, or land bank and wait for the capital gains! Alternatively, a fantastic opportunity for the savvy investor looking to add an additional room to their Queenstown rental - with current market rates you would earn back your investment in less than three days! Might feel a bit cramped for a larger man, but anyone under 5'5" should find it quite comfortable ..."

An alarming way to get teens out of bed
A reader contributes some advice. "Life hack for parents of teens: Finding it hard to get your teenage boy out of bed on these wintry mornings? Already delivered his uniform warmed gently on the oil heater? Kissed him on the forehead and gently told him it's time to get up. Followed up with a raised-voice reminder down the stairwell? Well, try what I did - flick the switch on the smoke alarm. He'll lie there wondering if the house is burning down and, even if he convinces himself it's a ruse, will eventually be driven up the wall enough to get out of the scratcher."
Bailiffs arrest cat