"My partner and I don't live together. I love him to bits, he's everything I want in a man and we rarely argue. But lately we have been arguing over the same issue, which is that he won't reply to my messages, even though I cansee he's been online. I've told him how it makes me feel, but he keeps on saying things like 'sometimes I'll read your message and think I'll reply in 10 minutes but get caught up with something else or forget'. Yesterday he had a friend he hadn't seen for ages over and I understand he was busy spending time with his friend, so I sent him another text at 6pm. He came on WhatsApp at 7pm, read my text and ignored it. Then he came on at 8pm and 9pm and 10pm ... still didn't reply, so at 10pm I texted him saying 'this is why I feel ignored and upset' with an upset emoji. He came back on WhatsApp at 11pm, didn't open my messages or anything and that was that. Am I being unreasonable to think that if you come online every hour you can reply to a message? I know we are going to talk later and he's going to come up with a million excuses as to why he couldn't reply. I'll admit it wasn't an important text, but it still hurts that he came online and ignored me even though I sent him a text pointing out he was ignoring me." (Via Mumsnet)
Strange coincidences
"Many years ago I donated some children's books to the local school fair," writes Jill Thompson. "One in particular was inscribed to my daughter — it had been a gift from her grandfather. Many, many years later, my eldest son met and married a lovely young lady from a different part of town. Among her prized possessions was a book which was the very same one given to my daughter and inscribed 'love Grandpa'. What are the odds of this book coming full circle and back to the same family?"