Act Party leader David Seymour says he was all good with the insignificant increase in our refugee quota - up 250 to 1000 - but said new arrivals should sign a "statement of commitment to New Zealand values". Political commentator Morgan Godfrey (@MorganGodfrey) wondered what those values could encompass, so asked Twitter ...
1. Legally you are free to punch someone while standing on this (see above picture, credit
2. If you disagree with someone, throw a dildo at them.
3. Loving cars ... hating public transport ... still complaining about traffic.
4. Parking on the footpath to leave the road clear.
"I am Open2view Area Franchisee for Auckland Central/West," writes Mike Taylor. "That is my photo featured in Sideswipe yesterday and I'd like to clarify. The 'tower' in the image is actually not a photoshopped Sky Tower at all. It's actually a crystal hanging in the window!"
Donald Trump Cat Scratching Post.
Worst PR stunts
• Jagermeister held a pool party in Mexico where dry ice was poured into the packed pool for a good photo op. Eight people were hospitalised and one person was left comatose as the substance displaced the oxygen around the pool, leaving the partygoers unable to breathe.
• The Cartoon Network famously promoted Aqua Teen Hunger Force by placing strange magnetic flashing packages around Boston, terrifying locals and causing a full-scale terrorist bomb alert.
• Drink maker Snapple attempted to erect a 17.8 tonne ice-lolly during the height of a New York summer. It melted before the photocall, flooding Times Square in kiwifruit-flavoured goo.
• US fizzy brand Doctor Pepper did a "buried coins" treasure hunt, which very nearly led to the graves of America's founding fathers being dug up.