Heavy metaller comes undone
"I once went to see Iron Maiden play," writes Matt Owen on Quora. "I wore some extremely dapper and in no way silly leather trousers [the kind with laces up the sides for added-pirateability]. Leather strides have lining shorts built in, and I saw no harm in going commando.
Eventually some crowd-surfing started up. Now, I'm a fairly big lad so I don't often get the chance to partake in that sort of thing, but thought why not, got a leg up and was soon happily being passed around in front of the stage. So far, so good. Until one crowd member got slightly snagged. As he yanked his arm free he managed to take out the stitching and ripped my trousers open along the inner seam from knee to knee.
Still on top of the crowd and utterly helpless to get down, I spent the next five minutes giving 4000 people a prime view of the family jewels, before divebombing, upside-down and 'tackle out' on to the wall of bouncers in front of the stage. They weren't impressed."