Ian Hickton was staying at an Airbnb when he noticed the list of bathroom rules. The first rule asks that guests "please try your best to use the washbasin without splashing the mirror". However, in addition to keeping the mirror clean, the owner also asksthat guests follow strict steps when showering.
"Before taking a shower, please lay the provided floor mat on the floor," the list reads. "When finished please put it back on the radiator to dry. If you are likely to splash the floor when using the washbasin, please do the same when using it.
"After taking a shower please use the squeegee provided to remove any water clinging onto the glasses, onto the tiles and onto the window in the first-floor bathroom.
"When finished with the squeegee please use the towel that you will find in the bathroom to finish the job of drying the inside of the shower."
The Airbnb host also prefers that guests treat the toilet in a particular manner, by using the mandatory toilet brush.
"The use of the toilet brush is not optional," the rules state, elaborating that the purpose of the brush is to "remove any signs of your passage, of whatever colour, from inside the toilet (above and below the water line), from the toilet rim, and from the underside of the toilet seat." The last rule on the list applies solely to male guests, who are asked to take a "seat both for number one and for number two".
Now that's a stupid idea ...
Photo / Supplied
"I often want to drink beer or wine while taking a shower, so I designed these. And in my experience, when you stick things to tile they never fall off. So with a wine glass hanging from the wall and me being boozed up and barefoot, what could go wrong?" (Via Weekly Design Roasts)
Potential gold in tooth
Michael Zuk, a dentist in Vancouver, is particularly drawn to things that correlate with his profession. Hence, they include a mould of Elvis Presley's mouth and John Lennon's "rotten molar". For that item, which once belonged to Lennon's maid, he paid $31,600. "Most people think it's a waste of money," said Zuk. "But it has his DNA and some people think there may be illegitimate children of Lennon. At some point, I'll [compare their DNA sequences] for ... a percentage of the estate." Zuk could have bought Shaquille O'Neal's tooth, but, he said, "After I spent so much on Lennon, my wife would have killed me." (Via The New York Post)