Never in doubt, my foot! "Our daughter lives in London and was at the cricket at Lord's on Sunday," writes Kerry. "She is gutted by the result and the reaction of the English people. She says a version of this ad is at almost every tube station."
Sideswipe: July 17: Never in doubt, my foot!

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In February 1948, giant three-toed footprints were found on a Florida beach. It looked like they had been made by an enormous sea turtle, except for the fact they were spaced too far apart. Over the following months, more prints continued to be found. In November 1948, naturalist Ivan Sanderson examined some of them and speculated they had been made by a "vast penguin," 15-feet (4.5m) tall. The mystery wasn't fully solved until 1988 when a local prankster, Tony Signorini, admitted he had made them with the help of a friend. He had strapped cast-iron monster-print shoes to his feet and then stomped up and down along local beaches.
Hair-lotion secret out
Carol Smytheman replies to Yvonne over the distinctive-smelling hair lotion: "My mother Nancy Chandler, was one of the children's hairdressers working for Milne & Choyce at that time. It was called "Will Snip the Barber" and was on the sixth floor. The pink hair lotion you mention was a mixture of: Gum "Twag", Bay rum, and the colouring was a bit of cochineal and it sold for 1 shilling and 3 pence a bottle. Whilst it was called Twag, it was obviously an abbreviation for Tragacanth which is a gum extracted from the root of the plant and dates back 5000 years and originates from the Middle East. Also it is known as Katira. It is used as an addition to shampoo or conditioner because of its gelling qualities."