Property larder
Young Britons unable to get on the property ladder are living in their parents' glass-fronted display cabinets. The cabinets were traditionally used to house a small selection of extra-fancy glasses, a gravy boat and butter dish received as wedding gifts, and an engraved pewter tankard. However, young adults are increasingly using the cabinets as live-work spaces, citing their hardwood construction and open glass frontage as far better than anything available from private landlords. Norman Steele, from Orpington, said, "When my son Gary asked if he could move back in to his old room I said no because it's now a sauna. He then suggested he live in the glass cabinet, but I was reluctant. The cabinet is the most important item of furniture in the house. Suppose a local viscount was to break down just outside our house, along with his entire entourage? That's why we keep the soda siphon and Waterford crystal and Wedgwood napkin ring set. But I know it's tough out there, so I reluctantly agreed to remove two of the shelves. Still, it breaks my heart to see him in there, on display, as though he's something special I'm proud of." (Via The Daily Mash)
Elephant a meal we wish we could forget
During the 1870 siege of Paris food was so scarce Paris zoo sold off its animals for meat to the highest bidders. "By far the most depressing menu item though was Consomme D'Elephant, which was a meal prepared mostly from the flesh of an elephant ... The meal was prepared from the flesh of two elephants which had names and were well known throughout Paris for giving rides to children. Castor and Pollux were killed in late 1870 and their meat was harvested and sold as a delicacy. Soon after elephant meat began appearing on menus. If shooting an elephant in the face and selling its meat to the highest bidder while people starved wasn't bad enough. The people lucky enough to be able to afford to eat it (and hence be able to afford to eat anything at all) didn't speak highly of the meat and criticised its taste and texture." (Via