That's gratitude for you
Inmates who escape their cells usually do it to fly the coop, but some have more altruistic motives. At Parker County Jail in Weatherford, Texas, a group of prisoners recently broke out of their cells to rescue a guard who'd lost consciousness after a heart attack. The eight inmates who successfully left their cells banged on walls, hoping to catch other guards' attention and get help. The deputies initially thought the inmates were inciting a riot. After hearing the commotion they came downstairs, locked the prisoners back in their cells and called paramedics. "It never crossed my mind not to help, whether he's got a gun or a badge," inmate Nick Kelton told the station. "If he falls down, I'm gonna help him." The prison plans to reinforce the doors to ensure inmates can't escape and come so close to guards again.

Boat name brilliance
1. "A friend of mine who works in immigration has a boat named Asylum Seeker," writes Pete. "My own boat is named Significant Other so that when customers phone midweek and ask my staff where I am, they can answer, 'Oh, he's out with his Significant Other!'"