"The latest water shortage in Auckland reminds me of a story my mother told me," writes Maureen Woodall of Hillcrest. "When she was young the kids all come down for breakfast one morning and they all said the porridge tasted funny. Their father then told them that he had made
Sideswipe: July 1: Water saving tip
"In 1936 thousands of Aucklanders signed petitions against the 'disgusting' nude figure Richard Gross had carved for the entrance to their Domain. No one objected to the statue's fascist aesthetics. Gross had been inspired by the art made for the recent Nazi Olympics."
(Via @SikotiHamiltonR)
A word in your ear
1. My daughter, when aged three used to refer to antibiotics as 'antibyrockets'. The family still call them that, some 40 years later.
2. Our three-year-old use to say 'salad dressing gown' for salad dressing. I wonder why we now call it mayonnaise!
3. When I was a child minder in the uk, one of my little charges said one day "I want a be sick ". I rushed over to him with a bowl and said be sick in this. He looked puzzled and said again "I want a be sick," I realised then he wanted a Biscuit!
4. Our two young sons couldn't pronounce Grandmother, so she was proudly known as "Grandmugger"
Last word
"I found out the other day that "penguin" in Mandarin Chinese is literally "business goose" and I haven't been able to think about anything else since." (Via Twitter)