A bit of a mouthful
"Several years ago, my then husband and I dined at one of the top restaurants in Auckland with his work colleague and his Social Climbing Wife," writes a reader. "White linen silver service. My husband in his usual silliness was chewing his food with great gusto for a giggle. The waiter was pouring red wine for SCW as she said to my husband: 'One must masturbate one's food well'. The waiter spilled wine on the white linen, nearly choked laughing and virtually ran back out to the kitchen. We sat there cracking up while SCW was totally oblivious. [SCW regularly made malapropisms while attempting to use big words]."
'Toy boy' a little bulkier than first thought
"Years ago my house was flooded," writes a reader. "It ruined the carpet and wallpaper in my bedroom. The furniture was stacked in spare rooms until repairs were completed. I gave my bed away to a friend whose son was going flatting. Meanwhile I slept in an upstairs room. Time went by and I didn't get around to replacing my bed. A friend rang one day and asked if I had a new bed yet. I said, 'not yet, no hurry'. She informed me that I should get down to the bed shop straight away because she read in the paper that they had a special offer on beds - buy a new bed this week and get a free 'toy boy'. If only it was true!"