10. When someone younger says, "you can't say that!"
11. You really do care less about what other people think of you as you get older. It's rather wonderful.
(Via Twitter)
David Leavitt, an award-winning multimedia journalist, tried to shame a Target employee over an electric toothbrush.
Toothbrush tractics turn off Twitter
David Leavitt tried to shame a Target employee over an electric toothbrush when he spotted an Oral-B electric toothbrush that was incorrectly labelled at a list price of $0.01.When Target manager Tori did not honour the "price", Leavitt thought it would be a good idea to a) call the police, b) tweet a photo of the manager in an attempt to shame her, c) announce his intentions to sue the company? Twitter was quick to respond, defending the Target employee, who was clearly just doing her job. "So, let me get this straight. You're bothering the police because of an obvious mistake Target made that you want to exploit? Because we all know those toothbrushes don't sell for 1 cent. Then you went on Twitter and blasted the photo of a $15-per-hour employee just doing their job?" tweeted Bryan. Social media responded by setting up a GoFundMe page and raising $30,000 for Target's manager Tori to take a break from retail and customers like Leavitt.