Echo chamber - Lather, rinse, and repeat. After a while, everything sounds the same.
Ghost - To abruptly end communication, especially on social media. Is it rejection angst, or is this word really as overused as word-banishment nominators contend? Either way, our committee feels the pain.
Dadbod - The flabby opposite of a chiselled-body male ideal. Should not empower dads to pursue a sedentary lifestyle.
Selfie drone - In what could be an ominous development, the selfie - an irritating habit of constantly photographing and posting oneself to social media - is being handed off to a flying camera. How can this end badly?
Frankenfruit - Another food group co-opted by "frankenfood". Not to be confused with other forms of genetically modified language.
Fake picture that went viral #3. This fake photo is relatively new, having started circulating on the internet since 2014. The picture was first published in a satirical article on the website The Lightly Braised Turnip where it was claimed that the giant squid grew to 49m due to radiation from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.