A wine bar in London has installed an outdoor ATM that dispenses prosecco. Photo / Supplied
A wine bar in London has installed an outdoor ATM that dispenses prosecco. Photo / Supplied
Golf school of hard knocks
In the 1934 US Open Championship at Merion, Philadelphia, Bobby Cruickshank was leading after two rounds of golf and going well in the third. His approach shot to the 11th hole fell short into the water in front of the green. The ball hit arock which was barely covered by water, rebounded high into the air and landed on the green. Cruickshank jubilantly tossed his club in the air, tipped his cap and shouted "Thank you, God". Unfortunately, the descending club landed on his head and knocked him cold. He recovered his senses but not the impetus of his play and finished third. (Source: The Book of Golf Disasters, 1986)
This painting of Jacinda Ardern appears in an exhibition at Mangaweka, near Whanganui, in memory of Karl Sim, aka C F Goldie, New Zealand's notorious art forger. Photo / Supplied
PR stunt fizzes
A London wine bar has installed an outdoor ATM that dispenses prosecco — a fashionable, bubbly Italian white wine. When Vagabond opened its branch in a building that formerly housed a Santander bank, it installed an automated prosecco machine outside the front door. The machine dispensed free prosecco on the opening night and will continue to serve wine outside the bar for a price.
The Big Days of our lives — they started nearly 30 years ago
Hard to believe the first Big Day Out was 26 years ago today. The music festival was an Australian franchise and brought alternative, hard rock, hip hop and, more recently, dance acts together in a one-day event in Auckland for 18 years. About 8000 punters turned up to the first "BDO" at Mt Smart Stadium to watch headliners Soundgarden, Smashing Pumpkins, and The Breeders. Sharing the stage with these international acts were local favourites such as Shihad and Straitjacket Fits. It only got bigger. Utilising the bulk of the Australian festivals' overseas line-up, backed by a strong local bill, it proved a popular formula, regularly pulling peak crowds of 30,000-40,000 in the 2000s.
Declining ticket sales led to New Zealand's leg of the Big Day Out tour closing in 2012. It returned to Auckland in 2014, although this turned out to be a false dawn for BDO diehards, with promoters soon announcing the 2015 event would be the last.
Manukau Dogs. Photo / Supplied
Stephen Holden of Weymouth writes: "Manukau dogs were delayed on Sunda y due to some low-life stealing the watering truck overnight. Police helicopter on the lookout for very green lawn."