1. Wolfgang Mozart had a sister, Maria Anna, who was also an extremely talented child prodigy in music. Sadly, she was prevented from performing as an adult. Many of her compositions have been lost, including one Wolfgang wrote that he was in “awe” of, contributing to herobscurity.
2. When the crocodile’s jaws work, the tear ducts are stimulated and hence the impression that the crocodile is crying over its food. That’s why a false, insincere display of emotions is called “crocodile tears”.
3. After plagiarising work for his directorial debut, actor Shia LaBeouf plagiarised a public apology from a Yahoo! answers question about plagiarism.
4. Six geologists were convicted of manslaughter for failing to predict a deadly earthquake in Italy in 2009. They were later exonerated but faced high levels of shame from the general public afterwards.
Blaming women #2
Behind every good man ...
Knew he was the one
We had just started dating in college and were driving on the interstate when we saw two old ladies and an old man who had run out of gas on the side of the road. My now-husband drove to a gas station, filled up a container and got them back on the road. I didn’t realise until then that the quality I was looking for in a partner was kindness. We’ve been together 50 years.
More than a pet
1. “My 3-year-old said she wished we had a pet. I reminded her we have a dog and, wow, the genuine surprise on her face as it dawned on her that our dog is a pet and not just some other guy who lives here.”
2. “My only child tells everyone he has a sister but it’s our dog.”