This monument to the Beatles sits in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Photo / Supplied
This monument to the Beatles sits in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Photo / Supplied
Digital detoxing
Mexico's Grand Velas Resorts offer Digital Detox programmes in which the guests surrender their electronic devices to a "detox concierge", or trade them for complimentary activities. Lake Placid Lodge in the Adirondack Mountain northeast of New York gives visitors a free night if they ditch their phones forthe entire stay. Other hoteliers boast their own perks for giving up tech. Some steer the guests toward the old-fashioned method of communication — writing.
For the month of February, Kimpton Hotel Palomar Philadelphia and Hotel Monaco Pittsburgh set up a Love Letter Writing Desk, complete with fresh flowers, stationary, pens, and books of love poems for inspiration. Guests are encouraged to pen handwritten love letters instead of texting. The hotels will even mail the love letters for free.
Dave opened his rubbish bin yesterday and was greeted by the sight of a pair of discarded shoes. Photo / AP
Dave opened his rubbish bin yesterday and was greeted by the sight of a pair of discarded shoes ... "though for a brief instant I was transported back to my teens and had Motown soul music ringing in my ears for the rest of the day!"
Neighbours of a family at Gulf Harbour marina on Whangaparāoa Peninsula may have shed a tear for nearby peninsula drought sufferers at the weekend. The family's large multimillion-dollar motor yacht docked at a private berth and a crew member spent at least the next hour washing the boat with the hose from the fresh-water supply at the berth pontoon.
All you need is love ...
This monument to the Beatles sits in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Photo / Supplied
"This monument to the Beatles sits in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia," writes Daphne Potter. "It serves as a tribute as they never actually travelled to Mongolia as they were forbidden by the communist government. People would congregate here and listen to banned music and discuss ideas of freedom and democracy.The monument was set to be demolished in 2017 but the locals protested and it still stands today."
Movie synopses. Kind of.
1. A guy dealing with the fact his wife was murdered, his only son was kidnapped and the only one who will help him is Ellen DeGeneres ... Finding Nemo
2. Change everything about yourself to make a dude like and accept you ... Grease
3. A family's first Air BnB goes horribly wrong ... The Shining