"My strapping 6 foot 2, Maori brother recently pulled into an exclusive hotel in a South Island town — highly populated with well-heeled visitors," writes Erin Walker.
"When I say pulled in, he was saddling a beast of a Harley Davidson with ape hanger handlebars. He walks into the reception area with his big goofy smile, hauling off his leathers and helmet, very much looking forward to the work arranged team-bonding weekend break.
Brother had decided to forgo the work van arranged and had requested with the boss's permission to give the bike a run and meet the boys there. He arrived first. The receptionist looked bug-eyed as he approached.
"Good morning, I have a reservation here for the weekend", brother politely requested. "Name is Walker."
"No you don't," she responded indignantly. She didn't even check.
"Pretty sure I've got the right place," brother replied. There was no booking she said again. My brother then had a light bulb moment.
"Oh maybe it's registered under Trust Power. Me and the boys are here for fishing stuff for the weekend."
"Oooohhhhh, yes! Certainly! Certainly! Trust Power! Yes yes here's the booking," she said with a look of great relief and respect.
"Yes sweetheart, Trust Power, not Black Power," my brother quips.
Colouring in Auckland
As an aeroplane geek, Aarti Prasad from Titirangi often looks at the Flight Radar app to see what is happening in the sky above and look what she found this week. "This small plane is just over 400m altitude and is colouring in Auckland," she says. Can anyone make an educated guess as to what it's doing ... ... Mapping or spraying or what?"
Can anyone make an educated guess as to what it's doing.... Photo / NZH
Out of the mouths of babes
Someone on Twitter asked people to share the weird things children have said to them. It ended up being quite, er, creepy.
1. "My mother went upstairs for a nap. My middle son asked her if she was happy she'd be seeing Jesus soon."
2. "My daughter was about 5 when she says you're the best mommy I ever had. I said I'm the only mommy you've ever had. She looks at me and says no you're the third one but I like you the best."
3. "I was watching a class while the teacher was out and this little girl walked up to my belly pointed and said, 'There's a little tiny baby in there'. I was pregnant but hadn't told my job."
4. "I was at an amusement park when a random kid said, 'people taste better when they squirm', to his parents but looking at me. Needless to say, I left."
5. "I'm a funeral director/mortician and at a service a child around 4 years old said, "It gets loud working here with all these ghosts, doesn't it?"