Just good manners? You can hang your hat on it
The English Manner is offering a five-day Finishing Touch Etiquette course which, according to US vs Them, "will transform you from SLOB into SNOB with sessions including deportment, letter-writing, tea customs and how and when to social-kiss". Our favourite part is the "Get a hat, get ahead!" session on day three, where students will learn how to wear a hat with flare and elan. There's even a special course on having your dinner, where you will learn that Western dining is very much focused on minimising the awareness that one is eating. Apparently this bit will be especially useful for those who have no idea how to tell a lunch napkin from a dinner napkin. Sign us up!

Did they get indigestion ...
Typo fun. Kevin writes: "We had advised a company they needed to *update* who our contact person was. They replied: "I am so sorry for this mistake. I have changed our databases and made a special note in your account that you ate our main contact."
Tale falls on stony ground
"I badly need some help," writes Bernie. "Does anyone know how to get scrunched up mouse or rabbit off mag wheels and tyres? I live in Stonefields, and read recently that the place is overrun with mice and rabbits, and driving home every day through a sea of these critters is an awful experience. Seriously? I have lived in Stonefields for two years - never seen a rabbit and there are too many cats for any mouse to feel safe. Saw a lot more mice when I lived in Remuera. A few rats as well."