Unbearable brilliance
You might think being more intelligent would be a good thing (and for most of us, yes, it would be great) but for the super intelligent, it's not all it's cracked up to be. Here are some of the pitfalls of being really brainy.
1. It can be socially difficult. When someone's just said something completely inaccurate, it's hard to stifle the urge to clarify.
2. Thinking instead of feeling. "This is a common problem for smart people, especially ones who are highly verbal. They use words as a smoke screen, and it's all the more effective when their words are true. Less articulate people tend to vent through physicality. They yell, punch, kick, run, scream, sob, dance, jump for joy ... I explain. And when I'm done explaining, everything I've explained is still stuck inside me, only now it has a label on it," explains Marcus Geduld.