Swimmer goes digital
You might think Canadian Olympic swimmer Santo Condorelli is a bit surly, but his giving the middle finger on the starting blocks to his dad is just a getting-psyched ritual. Santo told CBC that he started the gesture as an 8-year-old, after he was frustrated at getting beaten by older swimmers. Santo said his father told him: "You've got to build your confidence yourself and say eff everybody else that you're racing." But Santo had to tone it down - bringing his middle finger closer to his forehead - as he's landed in hot water for the gesture in the past. (Source: Totalprosports.com)

Strange behaviour at work
1. "One day, I'm sitting at my workstation, and my boss comes in. He remarks, 'Man! It is one windy day out there! Would be great kite-flying weather.' I said, 'that's a pretty good idea. You should get one.' He replies 'OK, I will!' He gets in his car and drives to the store. I'm saying to myself, 'Wow ... I just told my boss to go fly a kite!' Which he did, from the parking lot."