Many dogs are distressed by unexpected loud noises, but hat separates a wailing siren or fireworks show from a thunderstorm in a dog's mind, however, is that dogs may actually realise a thunderstorm is coming. As National Geographic explains, not onlycan dogs easily see when the sky gets dark and feel when the wind picks up, but they can also perceive the shift in barometric pressure that occurs before a storm. The anxiety of knowing loud noise is on its way may upset your dog as much as the noise itself. Static electricity could also add to this anxiety, especially for dogs with long and/or thick hair. Draping a blanket over their crate, which can help muffle noise. For dogs that don't use (or like) crates, a cosy room with drawn blinds and a white noise machine can work instead.
Boom box
Old school technology like this Panasonic Rx 5500 Stereo was priced at $576.19 which is over $2,000 today.
Old school technology like this Panasonic Rx 5500 Stereo was priced at $576.19 which is over $2,000 today.
1. "You have the communication skills of an alarm clock." 2. "If she was a spice, she'd be flour." 3. "It's hereditary" - me to my dad every time I do something dumb and he calls me out on it." 4. "When my daughter was little , we spent the night at my parents and I was brushing her long hair after her bath. My dad told her she had such pretty hair, and asked if he could have a little to cover his bald spot. She didn't even look up and said "I think you have enough on your back to cover that." 5. "Your life is more about regret management than goal achievement, isn't it?" 6. "You couldn't pour water out of a boot if the instructions were on the bottom." 7. "My brother once drunkenly called someone a non-essential vitamin." 8. "I don't know what your problem is, but I bet it's hard to pronounce." 9. "I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong." 10. A young woman was being very rude to the restaurant staff so an older woman that over heard her chimed in with: " Oh honey, you're not pretty enough to be acting like that."