"Two guys in my year decided to bring about 50 cabbages into school and start a cabbage fight in the science corridor. All hell broke loose and cabbage leaves were everywhere. About 100 students joined in. You most certainly can have 100 students and 50 cabbages in a cabbage fight.
Sideswipe: August 26: School daze

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Greens v reds.

The problem of climate change was heralded by The Rodney & Otamatra Times a hundred years ago; they were very forward-looking!
Make way for the ecovado
The avocado is one of the most energy and resource-intensive plants cultivated around the world, but, apparently, you can opt for a more environmentally friendly alternative called "ecovado". The popularity of avocados has skyrocketed over the past couple of decades, with the World Economic Forum estimating that about five billion kilograms of avocados are consumed annually around the world. However, this significant increase in demand has come at a huge cost for the environment. Forests have been cut down to make room for avocado plantations, and water sources have been sucked dry by what is widely considered one of the most unsustainable crops. It was this worrying development that inspired the creation of the "ecovado", a more sustainable avocado alternative.