Spotted in Victoria St, Wellington. Photo / Supplied
Spotted in Victoria St, Wellington. Photo / Supplied
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Believe it or not
Twitter user @Mattso poses: "What, if anything, can ruin a TV show or film for you? Mine is actors unrealistically drinking hot drinks."
1. "People booking flights and then dramatically changing their mind at the airport, seeminglyunbothered by how much money they've just wasted." 2. "Can you zoom in on this bit of grainy CCTV and enhance it with your magic computer so we can see the date on the coin he's holding?" "Sure." 3. "Women running at high speed through cities in sky-high, super-thin heeled stilettos." 4. "People with low-income jobs living in tastefully decorated massive loft apartments." 5. "Not staying down when they've been shot eleventeen times in the chest with high velocity rounds." 6. "Unnecessary captions. A shot of the Eiffel Tower. Caption. Paris. I know, thanks." 7. "Being able to get a parking space directly outside the building you're visiting." 8. "On American TV shows and films women are always in bed wearing a bra; even after sex when they get out of the bed their bra is on."
Sony has invented a wearable air conditioner worn just below a person's neck in the pocket of a special undershirt and controlled by an app. According to Sony, the Reon Pocket can decrease a person's body surface temperature by 13C. It can also raise it by 8C if you want to use the device in the winter months to stay warm.
Age and beauty
In a society where youth is worshipped, getting older is often seen stereotypically as a decline in physical capability, mental agility and sociological staidness. Researchers have found this negative impression about ageing affects us psychologically and also physically. This is a focus in the social psychology field known as mind-body studies. A World Health Organisation report on ageism will outline myriad ways that ageist attitudes can affect the health and wellbeing of older people.
Psychologist Becca Levy spent her career linking negative ageing attitudes to such measures as walking speed in older people, a greater likelihood of developing the brain changes of Alzheimer's disease and even a reduction in lifespan.
Locals of Glen Eden
If you live on a hill in Glen Eden. Photo / Supplied
If you live on a hill, it's now Glen Eden Heights.