9. Read the wikipedia list of common misconceptions, which corrects erroneous beliefs that are currently widely held about notable topics (For the purposes of correcting people, of course).
10. The importance of putting lime on corpses to keep diseases down, as related to a potential zombie apocalypse. (That can probably wait.)
War medal found, family sought
"Somehow I have in my possession a World War I 1914-15 medal in bronze, with Trooper JJ Pennell of the NZ Expeditionary Force inscribed on the back," writes John Parker. "He seems to have come from Auckland. If relatives or family would like the medal maybe they'd like to get in touch through Sideswipe?"
Keep off the winter grass!
This appeared opposite the Mercury Bay rugby club in Albert St, Whitianga. Residents are clearly upset with rugby fans cutting up the verge.
Help the Aunties
"When a woman and her children arrive at a women's refuge in South Auckland, with just the clothes on their backs, The Aunties make sure they all have bedding, toiletries and food," writes head Auntie. "What we need right now, urgently, is undies. Lots of them in all sizes, for both women and children." Please send to: The Aunties, PO BOX 76638, Manukau, Auckland 2241
Work related art
"My Crohns doctor paints, and puts his art around the office. This is in the bathroom."