Strange names
1. "I worked at a company in the UK with a Bob Sherunkle AND I had a teacher in school called Eileen Forward."
2. "I was at university with someone called Dawn Moment."
3. "I knew a teacher called Miss Iles."
4. "There was a league player from imaginative parents who was named Dougal McDougal."
When to look for a new doctor
"I had repeatedly gone to my GP about this nagging pain in my arm. He did some blood work to check for a vitamin deficiency and sent me for an x-ray which didn't show anything. He then decided my pain must be because I was 'an anxious female'. On my last visit I mentioned I had also been struggling with breathing properly and had some chest pain and was starting to get quite concerned. He said 'you're just anxious, but what do you have to be anxious about? You have a husband with a good job', and sent me on my way with a prescription for anti-depressants. Two days later I was in Accident and Emergency being diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism and now I have a new doctor."