Consider this. On the first day of every month you fill your car up with 60 litres of petrol and pay for it. You anticipate this will last you the month. Sadly a day or so before the end ofthe month you realise you will run out before the first of the next month. You go to the gas station and the minimum you can purchase is 10 litres. You buy the extra. However, on the first day of the following month you go to fill up again but irrespective of whether you have purchased extra gas or not, the first thing that happens is they drain any remaining fuel out of your tank before you can fill it up again. No refund or credit given. Would you create a stink about that? No? Check your broadband plan.
"A woman I worked with at the Auckland international toll exchange lived in London during the war, and was engaged to a pilot in RAF Bomber Command who had a very unusual surname," writes Carl. "His plane was shot down over Germany, his body was never found, and he was reported as 'Missing in Action'. After the war, she emigrated to New Zealand, and years later answered a subscriber who wanted to know a phone number in rural Canada. When the caller gave the name and started to spell it because it was uncommon, she said she knew how, and called the operator in a remote area of Canada. Lo and behold, it was her long lost fiance who was now a widower. She eventually went to Canada and married him, 40 years after the war ended."
Nonna donkeys
These donkey nannies in the Italian Alps of Lombardy make a special delivery to the plains below. Newborn lambs, which can't cope with the journey on their own, are packed into pouches on a modified saddle.