Cat capers
"When a scruffy cat from down the road kept coming into our house to eat our two cats' food, we were surprised at how well they all got along," writes Jo. "The neighbour down the road saw me patting Mr Fluffies (as my son called him) and said we could have him, as his owners had moved out two weeks previously and abandoned him. I thought we could adopt him and took him to the vet, paid $140 for desexing and an abscess treatment, and kept him for a night. We never saw him again. I think his owners must have finally returned for him. Ah well, no more kittens from Mr Fluffies."

Can the sermon
A response to the Buy a Can Opener story where older bloke Dave was surprised that the young people in the supermarket didn't buy the $1 tinned tomatoes and instead frivolously went for the more expensive $1.40 product because of its pull ring. A reader replies: "In 2017 the concept of needing to buy a specialised tool to open your food packaging is fundamentally flawed. We solve this problem today with ring-pulls. Our tip to 'Financially Comfortable Dave' is this: Please stop buying such archaic tech; you're holding us all back from progress."