Sign in rural Ngongotaha. Spotted by Julian Hughes.
Toddler tats
When my kid was potty training, he was in a phase where he loved temporary tattoos. We used tattoos as a reward for a successful potty trip. He got so many, he was covered on both arms, his back and chest. We didn't think much of it until
one summer day we took him to the wading pool. For one of the first times in public, we took his shirt off, and he strode out into the pool with his toddler abs, and Thomas the Tank Engine shorts, looking like he had just finished a hard set of repetition at the free weights in the prison yard. (Via Reddit)
Would you drink it?
Scientists have produced vodka from grain grown near Chernobyl using local water. Described as "high quality artisan vodka," the alcoholic beverage was brewed by the Chernobyl Spirit Company, and branded — appropriately enough — Atomik. Only one bottle of Atomik exists, and the product is not yet for sale, but it's considered the first commercial product to come from the exclusion zone, the BBC reports. Part science, part promotional stunt, the project is meant to demonstrate a possible way in which land around the damaged nuclear power plant can be put to good use, through growing crops. The producers of the vodka are hoping it could lead to the revitalisation of a traditional Ukrainian industry in a region beset by economic distress. Oh yeah, testing shows the vodka is not at all radioactive.
Small world stories