Hot hamburgers
A reader writes: "Today while working at the drive through the man at the window wanted to pay for the person behind him and he said, 'tell her I think she's hot' ... so he leaves and she pulls up, rolls down her window and I tell her her food has been paid for and she rolls her eyes, smiles and says 'that's my husband'."
Flubbed small talk
1. When 19 years old, Tim went to the local newsagents to buy a lotto ticket, and found himself at the front of the line and face to face with an attractive young woman serving him. He became a little flustered and requested "a $10 lucky dick". Cheeks already flushed, he quickly corrected himself "I mean lucky dip" which only served to further his humiliation.
2. I once combined "Stop mucking about" and "Stop fooling around". Group of students suitably shocked!