Stop griping Jafas
Dear Aucklanders who are up in arms about your fuel tax increase, You have no idea how lucky you are. Firstly, people outside Auckland pay a s***load more per litre of petrol than you, simply because they are outside Auckland. Secondly, your public transport system is seriously great.
I know because I live in a town that has — wait for it — no public transport. Yep, none. Nada. Zilch. When I'm in your hood for work I love catching the bus or train to work. I can read and not have to swear at the idiots on the road.
Also, if you use your supermarket dockets wisely, you won't even notice. Just saying. Your power is cheaper. Your rates are cheaper (seriously). You have public transport that works. You have after-hours medical care. You have K-Mart.
Sincerely, Northland Citizen, Joanna Page.