If your idea of a dining out involves rowing with the rude waiters and having your orders mixed up, then this new restaurant chain is for you. Newly opened Karen's Diner offers a unique experience where you can enjoy great food… with terrible service. The name is derived from the
Sideswipe: April 4: Karen's Diner

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2. I am extremely self-deprecating. I don't even let others say nice things about me when I myself won't, going so far as to even try and explain why someone's wrong whenever they try to compliment me about something, I just refute it.
3. I'm way too sarcastic. I do it with friends, family, at work, basically all the time. Most times the joke lands well and it´s received with a laugh. But sometimes it doesn't.
4. Most of the time when I ask people for their opinions, I don't actually want to hear their opinion. Instead, I want to hear my opinion come out of their mouth. I'm always hoping that they will have the same opinion as me because it makes me feel validated. I don't actually care about what they really think.
5. I hold a grudge for a very long time.
Cats are weird

Gender bias in animal biology?
Biology is a male-dominated field and tends to be overly focused on penises and other aspects of the male, giving less attention to females. This bias can be traced back to Charles Darwin himself, whose Victorian moral sentiments avoided discussions of female sexuality and sex for purposes other than reproduction. That's probably why you have no idea that the typical duck vagina is a "penis rejection machine" that requires the corkscrew penis to navigate complexly spiraled folds with inner pockets to trap unwanted sperm before it reaches the interior. Mating is enormously difficult and requires the cooperation of the female duck to achieve full penetration. And you are also likely oblivious to the fact a female dolphin's clitoris is larger than a tennis ball. Why? It's because dolphins engage in sexual behaviours for pleasure as well as reproduction. It's possible that female dolphins may choose mates based on their ability to stimulate their clitorises effectively.