The bad writing of 50 Shades of Grey is still spawning parody Twitter accounts. Here are the best tweets from 50 Nerds of Grey, which reimagines exchanges between Ana Steele and Christian Grey as if Grey was a nerd.
1. "I'm all yours tonight!" she cried, "Do something to me you'd never normally dare do to a woman!"
"All right," he said, and made eye contact.
2. When he told her he worked in IT support, it really turned her on.
The German city of Augsburg is experimenting with traffic lights that are embedded in the ground and don't require the pedestrian to look up before crossing the street. According to The, smartphone zombies have been given the nickname "smombies" and are a growing problem. A study found that roughly one in six pedestrians hypnotically tune into their phones and out of the real world while crossing the street.
Distinguishing shades of grey
"I too have a car of a shade of grey," writes a reader. "Like just about all of the other cars in my neighbourhood. A few months ago I parked near another greyish car which had an orange traffic cone on its roof, and the driver told me, as she returned with her shopping, that she often used it as an efficient way of finding her car."
Fire brings on the good times
"Come quickly! My house is on fire!" "Awesome! We'll bring chips and dips!"
Video: A 1994 workplace safety video titled 'Will You Be Here Tomorrow?' imagines the worst case scenarios for industrial and warehousing jobs and reenacts them in the most graphic way.
Video: Spear fisherman is dragged by a Goliath Grouper and he's mighty pissed off about it...