A reader writes: "For many years the dairy farmer whose milking shed lies across the bridge has, several times a day, driven a large herd of cows across the bridge over to milking and back again. That of course has resulted in many deposits on the road by the animals. In the last few weeks an underpass has been put in and the road in the foreground was finally sealed yesterday. The sign in the photo has appeared overnight."

Still waiting for that rose
"I brought my 80-year-old wheelchair-bound Mum to the champagne and oyster event at Novotel Ellerslie last week," writes Sarah. "I was off getting our oysters while she sat under a tree. I came back to find her having a great chat with Jordan 'The Bachelor' Mauger. He'd kept her company, noticing her on her own. It wasn't until after she realised who she was talking to. Mum loves The Bachelor and with her macular degeneration she has trouble seeing any detail. Thanks for caring! P.S. Mum's still waiting for her rose."