Mums can be proud too
Have you seen the latest Dept of Corrections job advert on the back of buses? With the header "a job you can be proud of", with an image of a mum wearing jeans and blue Chucks, large handbag stuffed with a toy and other kiddy paraphernalia and then the right image is the same woman dressed in a Dept of Corrections uniform. Unfortunately, I was driving at the time so couldn't snap a photo - but surely they aren't implying that a woman can't be proud of being a mother?

Topsy turvy 60s branding
"I see Tip Top has reintroduced their Topsy icecream," writes Mike. "I have had this original Topsy packet since 1962. They were rather expensive back then at 6d (5 cents) each. We kids usually bought the cheaper TT2s, an ice block. They only cost 4d (about 3 cents). I do wonder if the picture on the original package was a factor in Topsys being withdrawn from the market."