"We live in Bethlehem, Tauranga," writes Fraser. "Over a valley of homes, at a range of about 450m, there are a couple of paddocks, with accompanying animals of a bovine nature. The ownership of these paddocks seems to lie with an older gentleman who has a surfeit of lawnmower fuel,
Sideswipe: April 2: Let's face it, we need some smiles
When toilet paper ran dry
With a very sad sigh
He was forced to wipe with papyrus
My best effort (a poor one after hers!)
On this Donald Trump's not been vague
It's more the 'flu than the plague
Now I've hobbled it down to size,
I should get the Nobel prize,
Do I pick it up at The Hague?
Trump on the level
"I know South Korea better than anybody," Donald Trump declared, deflecting a question from a reporter about the United States' Covid-19 testing capabilities. "It's a very tight — do you know how many people are in Seoul? Do you know how big the city of Seoul is — 38 million people. That's bigger than anything we have." But Seoul's population is 9.9 million, but 38 million is an oddly specific number, thought some guy on Twitter ... *quick Google* ... ah, Wikipedia reckons Seoul is 38m above sea level ... that explains it.