A young daughter of a Shortland Street director used copies of a top-secret script to make drawings which she put into neighbours' letterboxes.
Residents of Renata Crescent in Te Atatu, West Auckland, were bemused to find individual pages posted in their letterboxes.
Each page of dialogue on its own was probably not enough to reveal much of the plot twists but the pages put together may have exposed some of the who-would-be-doing-what-with-whom in the weeks to come.
Together with a friend, 6-year-old Posie raided the home office of her father, veteran Shortland Street director Richard Barr, looking for colouring-in paper.
Burr said: "My daughter and her friend thought that it would be a great idea to pass their little drawings on to the neighbours. Although a lovely gesture, we have had a good talk now about using things from Dad's office."