The 27-year-old actor is taking a step back from the limelight just weeks after he was forced to apologise for plagiarising author Daniel Clowes' graphic novellas, Justin M. Damiano, for his short film
The Nymphomaniac star wrote on Twitter this morning :
In light of the recent attacks against my artistic integrity, I am retiring from all public life.
He added: "My love goes out to those who have supported me. #stopcreating."
Shia failed to clarify whether he plans to stop acting completely or simply stop doing interviews and being active on his social media platforms.
The Transformers star came under fire, including from Girls'star and creator Lena Dunham, after he employed a team to write a five mile wide message in the sky above Los Angeles on New Year's Day reading "I AM SORRY DANIEL CLOWES," in an attempt to make peace for plagiarising the comic book writer's work.