"Of course I have. Well you know at first I thought I'm not happy with the way the Chinese are treating the Tibetans ... and I've been concerned with should we have the Olympics because they're not being nice to the Dalai Lama who's a good friend of mine.
"And then all this earthquake and stuff happened and I thought, 'Is that Karma, when you're not nice and the bad things happen to you?' "
Interesting perspective, Sharon.
I thought this woman was meant to have an IQ of 150, and a fully paid member of brain box club, Mensa?
Amy Winehouse is definitely hitching a ride on some mood elevator.
One minute she's up, the next she's down and lower than a snake's belly.
A weepy Wino took a swing at photographers camped outside her home this week, after missing an appointment to see dreamboat hubby Blake Fielder-Civil in the nick.
After she was turned away from London's Pentonville Prison, Wino cried a river, got herself a taxi home and
actor says he'd like nothing better than to plonk himself on a remote island and eat nothing for 40 days - just to see how his tiny brain would cope under the conditions.
"I know it's going to be really hard. But can you imagine it? Eating nothing for 40 days? Swimming and surfing every day in a remote place? Where does the mind go?"
Harrelson, 46, says he plans to make his dream a reality as soon as he has a break in his busy schedule, according to
In her virtual ramble she thanks her brother and crash victim John Graziano for reminding her to always wear a seat belt.
Seatbelts saved MY life today...
What happened to my brother and our friend John was horrible and very hard for both of our families. But I truly believe my brother and John saved My life and my best friends life.... I don't know if you heard, but my friend and I got into a really bad car accident today ourselves... As I turned on my car I clicked my seatbelt. As we pulled out onto the road, I looked over and realized my friend didn't have her seatbelt on. I reminded her to put it on and the minute she clicked it, a car crashed into us. It was a horrible car accident, one that most would be severely hurt in, but we had our seatbelts on and they kept us in tight. I have to thank my brother and my best friend John for teaching me an important lesson that saved our lives.
I know that because my family is under a microscope, the turn of unfortunate events are magnified and seem like they just keep on coming...And having everyone watching and commenting on our life is extremely hard. If I could stop it I would because it feels terrible. We try to stay away from it but can't help that its shoved in our faces. So please, if youre a supporter, please spread the good around cause its nice to have friends when things go awry. And for the haters, Im sure we're not the only ones you're hurting. I would hope people are never this mean to you because it makes things so much harder......You're human and so are we. Nothing different.
God Bless
Hey this is Brookes friend and passenger, I just wanted to say that Brooke basically saved my life by making me wear my seat belt ....She is such a great friend and a good person! You all should know that! check out what I have to say on my MySpace... I'm on her top friends : La♥La
I especially like the bit about her family being "under a microscope". Too right, they're the equivalent of some highly contagious bacteria swimming in a Petri dish. They're not human.
And proving that Brooke is all mouth and no action, she's since removed the above post from her page.
Cowards, the lot of them!
Weeping Madonna
Something deep inside me loved reading this tidbit about notorious ice queen Madonna.
Her Madgesty apparently wept with rage after a studio bust-up with producer
Pharrell Williams while recording her latest album,
Hard Candy
Madonna reveals, "Pharrell made me cry. You know when you get angry with someone and you're spitting snot. I was in a sensitive mood in the studio and I didn't understand the rhythm he wanted me to sing in, and he was giving me a hard time. I was taken back by how he was talking to me."
The two soon made up, however, and are now bosom pals.
"We went upstairs and I said, 'You can't talk to me like that,' and burst into tears. And he said, 'Oh my God, Madonna has a heart.' We had it out and now I love him and we make great music together," she adds.
"I'm happy doing what I'm doing right now. I'm a terrible actress. Everyone thinks I'm only friends with Tom and Katie to be in a movie but it's not true. I've turned down lots of roles." - Victoria Beckham
Spotted: Michael Jackson
Hiding behind a blackened shroud and looking decidedly sniper-ish...Look
, Michael Lohan says that his daughter's relationship with Ronson "is evident to anyone with half a brain."
He adds, "Just like the [topless] Marilyn Monroe spread, Linds is my daughter and there are just some things a father doesn't want to see or hear, regardless of whether they are true or false.
"[Lindsay] is a big girl, and she can make her own life choices. Then it is between her and God."