Daniel Craig and Spectre co-star Monica Bellucci. Photo / Getty Images
Daniel Craig and Spectre co-star Monica Bellucci. Photo / Getty Images
The British crew of the new James Bond film triggered an international air safety alert by going on a drunken rampage aboard the official 007 jet.
Last night, the producers of the forthcoming Spectre film confirmed that they were investigating the "intimidatory and frightening" behaviour on board the privately chartered plane flying from Stansted Airport in Essex to Mexico City 11 days ago.
The charter aircraft company Hi Fly sent a damning a report to the Bond film production company Eon that revealed how some of the film's crew:
• Removed a safety pin from one of the aircraft's doors - which experts say could have resulted in a mid-air disaster;
• Verbally abused cabin crew and other passengers.
The report also made clear that the reckless behaviour of some of the film crew, fuelled by excess alcohol, had "compromised" the safety of the Airbus 330 and had breached international aviation regulations.
Last night, a worker at Toluca airport in Mexico City said the mayhem had left the interior of the plane looking like a "pack of wild animals" had gone through it. The source added that vomit had been left inside the toilet and on the floor outside.
He also claimed the airline had to bring in a specialist firm to clean the plane at a cost of 20,000 pesos.
The incident will prove embarrassing for Eon, which only yesterday launched a glossy trailer for the new movie, which will again star Daniel Craig as 007 and co-stars Christoph Waltz, Ralph Fiennes and Monica Bellucci.
About 150 of the film's crew, including cameramen, technicians and stunt men, were on their way to Mexico to film some of the most spectacular action sequences, including one that takes place during Mexico's macabre Day of the Dead festival.
It is understood that neither Craig nor any other member of the cast was on board the jet, which landed at Toluca Airport for the two-week shoot on March 18.
Hi Fly, which has told Eon that its staff breached the conditions of the charter, will deploy extra security at the airport to ensure that no passengers arrive drunk for the jet's return journey to the UK on Wednesday.
The airline has agreed to fly the crew back to Britain only on condition that no alcohol is served or consumed on board.
Eon, led by Michael G. Wilson and his stepsister Barbara Broccoli, have now told staff that the flight will be "dry".
However, in a twist worthy of the Bond films, it is unclear whether the American watchdog, the Federal Aviation Administration, is investigating the incident.
On Friday night, spokeswoman Laura Brown confirmed that the incident was 'under investigation' but declined to comment further after being given a detailed account of the reckless behaviour on the plane. But the following day her colleagues denied any such probe was under way.
The FAA has some jurisdiction over international airspace around the US, which could have been passed through by the 007 film crew's flight.
A spokesman for Eon last night confirmed it was conducting an internal investigation to find out exactly what had happened.
But it is understood Wilson and Broccoli read the riot act to staff at a production meeting held shortly after the plane's arrival in Mexico. They have also apologised to horrified air crew members.
One source, who asked not to be named, said: 'Michael and Barbara have both made it very clear that this sort of behaviour is unacceptable and should never be allowed to happen again.
"The behaviour of a handful of crew members got out of hand and made things very unpleasant for their fellow passengers.
"Eon has apologised to all the crew members who had to endure this intolerable behaviour."
Airline expert Chris Yates said last night that 'it was entirely possible' that the removal of the safety pin could have caused the door to open.
He said: "The pin is part and parcel of the locking mechanism on the aircraft door. Essentially, if you remove it there is a possibility that you could potentially open the door and decompress the cabin."
However, while the risk was real, he added that in all likelihood the door would have been held shut by the speed of the plane moving through the air.
Hi Fly, which is based in Lisbon, leases its 12 Airbuses to governments, companies and individuals. Last night, a spokesman declined to comment on the incident.
He said: "This particular flight from the UK to Mexico was a private charter, not open to the public. We have an obligation towards the privacy rights of our clients and therefore we are unable to comment."
A spokesman for Eon said: "We are investigating the matter so cannot comment further at this time."