Hadyn Jones and Pippa Wetzell return in the new season of Fair Go. Screening Mondays, 7:30pm on TVNZ 1.
Hadyn Jones and Pippa Wetzell return in the new season of Fair Go. Screening Mondays, 7:30pm on TVNZ 1.
Fair Go
(TVNZ 1)
They may not have spiffy spandex suits or flashy powers but for New Zealanders who have been scammed, swindled or cheated the team at Fair Go really are local superheroes. The popular and extremely long-running consumer affairs show makes its eagerly anticipated return on Monday night. These are words that should strike fear in lowlifes and conmen all around the country.
Hard as it may be to believe, Fair Go has been fighting for the little guy for 46 years now. This makes it our second longest-running telly show after Country Calendar. With its mix of investigative journalism, “gotcha!” moments and trademarked sense of humour, the show has proven to be enduringly popular.
They’ve gone after the big bucks, settling six-figure disputes, and small fry, a single cent, in their pursuit of justice and desire to put things right for those who have been ripped off.
This retro-futuristic sci-fi dramedy is quite literally shooting for the moon. The show orbits around Jack Billings, a travelling salesman who sells timeshare holidays on the moon.
Billy Crudup stars in sci-fi dramedy Hello Tomorrow! on Apple TV+.
While Jack is a persuasive, if slightly desperate, salesman, the company he works for isn’t the most reputable. When he suckers a young chap into signing up, he ends up feeling bad. In an attempt to make things right, he recruits him into the salesforce where he acts as a mentor of sorts. However, the new recruit’s enthusiasm only serves to enhance Jack’s malaise as his once unshakeable optimism for a brighter tomorrow begins to dim.
The show stars Emmy-winning actor Billy Crudup from Apple’s other hit series The Morning Show in the lead, and its Jetsons-style aesthetic is really rather neat. The show has us intrigued and we’ve begun counting down to blast off.
First three episodes streaming tomorrow with new episodes every Friday.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard continues boldly going where no one has gone before in this dark, gritty sequel series to Star Trek: The Next Generation. The third and final season hurtles toward the final frontier tomorrow night.
Jonathan Frakes and Patrick Stewart in the third season of Star Trek: Picard, streaming on Amazon Prime Video from Friday.
Trekkies, Trekkers and regular fans can begin feeling very excited as the show finally reassembles the OG crew from the classic series. Yes, Worf and Dr Beverly Crusher both beam aboard to complete the fan-favourite line-up following appearances from Data, Riker, Geordi, Guinan and even dorky old Wesley Crusher.
The first two seasons were a bit rocky, but critics have said this final season had done a massive course correction to finally capture the spirit that typified the Next Gen era, with one writing that this season is “the epic farewell story the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation always deserved”.