Friends: The Reunion
(TVNZ 2 and TVNZ OnDemand)
It's the reunion special the world's been waiting for! Sort of... Let's get the disappointment out of the way first; a better title for this special would be The One That Isn't a New Episode because while yes, technically, it's Friends reunited, this is a cast get-together rather than the much-wanted look at what Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Ross, Chandler and Joey are up to these days. Host James Corden will ask the actors everything you ever wanted to know about what it was like to be one of the Friends, favourite memories from Friends, life after Friends and get the final and definitive answer once and for all as to whether Ross and Rachel were, in fact, on a break or not. Could we be any more excited? Well, yes, if it was a proper new episode. But as that's not the case we'll still be there for them. Screening and streaming tonight at 7.02pm.
Cruella de Vil is one of Disney's most iconic baddies. Now the incredibly stylish villainess from 101 Dalmatians gets her own live-action origin story, which shows how a young fashionista turns into the sneering, dog-hating, villain we all love to hate.