Adult Swim
(TVNZ OnDemand)
The latest power move from our state broadcaster proves it's not afraid to get weird with it. So rejoice, fans of the bizarre, because America's cult TV station Adult Swim has dived on to TVNZ OnDemand as the platform's newest digital channel. The station's shows are wildly surreal, totally out there and full of appeal for those whose view to the TV is often blocked by a thick hazy smoke... We're talking the quick-fire, pop culture riffing of stop-motion animated skit show Robot Chicken, the superhero fast-food team Aqua Teen Hunger Force and the lo-fi, WTF comedy stylings of Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! among many others. The station's breakout hit, however, is Rick and Morty, and you'll also find that here, albeit, with a limited viewing window, Adult Swim is free on TVNZ OnDemand and available now.
News of the World
Tom Hanks saddles up his horse and hits the trail in this western drama set five years after America's Civil War. He stars as Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd, a war veteran who has reinvented himself as something of a travelling newspaper, journeying from town-to-town and regaling audiences with thrilling non-fiction stories from around the world. During his travels, he's tasked with transporting a young girl across the wilderness to return her to her biological aunt and uncle. Directed by the Bourne franchise's director Paul Greengrass, who last worked with Hanks on the Oscar-nominated Captain Phillips, the movie's been described as "a rough and tumble Texas road trip movie". Streaming from next Wednesday.