Just a few weeks ago I met Andrew Papas and other members of the Madagascar the Musical cast. Rehearsals had just begun, props were scattered around, dance steps were being performed on repeat and it was hard to see how it was all going to come together in time.
Fast forward several weeks and I found myself taking my seat in the Kiri Te Kanawa Theatre, my 8-year-old son in tow, ready to be entertained. The way I figured it, if Madagascar the Musical could keep my energetic and easily bored child in his seat for over an hour then this was a production worth seeing.
In addition to Papas, the all-New Zealand cast also featured LeRoi Kippen who, as Marty, was an absolute joy, strutting his sizeable zebra rump with attitude. Kristin Paulse oozed charisma as Gloria, while Ben Freeth became more Melman, the hypochondriac giraffe, with every sneeze.

Kippen's on-stage chemistry with Papas as Alex really stood out in the first half, with the focus being very much on the two unlikely friends and their differing views on freedom. It was really the second half, however, when Marty, Alex, Gloria and Melman find themselves stranded on Madagascar, that things got really fun.