Dogs: Their Secret Lives (Thursdays, 7.30pm, Prime) was clearly for dog-crazy people. Crazy dog people. Dogs. So after Willow settled next to me on the couch and we argued about switching over from Animal Planet, I put it on. Then I explained in a dopey voice why I couldn't give her the cracker I was eating. She left the room.
Thankfully, host and RSPCA adviser Mark Evans is on the side of the canine-obsessed. He didn't judge when an older couple told him they'd rearranged their entire lives so their cocker spaniel was never alone.
"What do you say to people who tell you to 'get a grip'?" he said, with kind eyes.
The former vet was earnest in his mission to make sure our hounds are indeed happy when we head off for work. So he randomly selected 40 dog homes in Bristol and installed hidden cameras to capture pets going about their lonesome day. Would they bake Jellymeat brownies and read Thomas Hardy? Poo on the floor (like Bruno, the rottweiler cross) or, riskily in Archie's case, wee on the fan? (While it was on.)
You didn't need a scientist to see that poor old Oscar the mini schnauzer was unhappy - he howled like Bieber the minute his owners went outside. Likewise german shepherd Max, whose gut-wrenching vocals and door-scratching clearly signalled distress.