Rocktober is upon us. Each day during October, Radio Hauraki will celebrate a different artist's contribution to rock and roll. And each Thursday during October, TimeOut will get the lowdown from a Hauraki host on their first-ever rock gig. Today, Matt Heath.
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MY FIRST rock gig was Crowded House at the town hall in Dunedin. I think the support act was some weird band called Schnell Fenster. I loved them. I think someone had a "keytar" but I could be wrong. I just looked them up on YouTube. Still good and weird. Not sure why they weren't huge.

How old were you?
I was at intermediate school. My big sister took me. I wanted to drink. She wouldn't let me. She drank. A lot. Boy did she drink. I drained two of her wines when she went to the bathroom. Got a bit of a buzz on. She didn't even notice they were gone when she got back.
Why them?
I loved Split Enz at primary school (because my big sister did). When that Crowded House album came out, it blew my mind. Then they become huge. I wore the T-shirt I bought at the show until it got so stinky and rotten it fell off. I got into a fight at high school over it. Someone said "Crowded House are p******". I took a swing and missed. I saw Neil Finn playing with Fleetwood Mac the other day. The guy is still awesome.